For nearly two decades, I've been teaching classes and seminars for people who are excited to explore the fine foods and wines of the world. Whether rocking a wine and cheese seminar, writing a culinary travel article for a client, or just helping someone pick out the right bottle of wine for dinner, I truly love what I do.
Visit my personal website to learn more about my Tasting Wine & Cheese book and other writings.
I'm certified in wine through Boston University’s Elizabeth Bishop Wine Program. It was there, coincidentally, where I started my cheese education although it would be the subsequent years spent working at world-renowned cheese purveyor Formaggio Kitchen that really locked down my love of curd culture.
I stay active in my culinary community. I’m a member of the International Association for Culinary Professionals as well as several wine and cheese societies. I’m also the maître fromager for the Boston chapter of the prestigious Burgundian wine society, La Confrérie des Chevaliers du Tastevin.
I also strongly believe in sharing my knowledge and experience with charitable causes, and donate tastings throughout the year in support of organizations who may benefit from my culinary nerdiness.
What began as an educational curiosity quickly exploded into a full-blown passion that still drives me today. I remain dedicated to constantly exploring and learning, and sharing that knowledge with my students and clients.
“Adam is a delight to work with – he could prep and plate cheeses blind-folded while telling jokes that are actually funny! He humbly and gracefully compliments his technical commentary with storytelling…”